I had the pleasure of producing two films about photography for the new Annenberg/OPB created website Essential Lens. And it just went live! You can check it out at www.learner.org/courses/lens/
Filming for the series took us to Washington, DC where I interviewed the talented National Geographic photo editor Pamela Chen (now editorial director at Instagram) and amazing combat photographer Louie Palu.
We traveled to Walpole, New Hampshire to talk with Ken Burns about how he uses still photos to bring his films to life; and to Iowa City, Iowa to visit with Danny Wilcoz Frazier, who's stunning photography tells the story of rural migration (among many other things).
And those are just the films I did. My talented and charming colleague Beth Harrington tells some equally impressive stories in her two films.
Such a great project. I feel lucky to have spent months immersed in the world of photography, and in conversation with incredibly talented photographers, photo editors and filmmakers. And, I got to work with OPB's Cathie Stimac, who expertly steered the creative direction of the whole project.
So go check it out! www.learner.org/courses/lens/